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What does Fok stand for in trading?

Fill Or Kill (FOK) Definition: Day Trading Terminology. A fill or kill, FOK, order is a type of execution order that can be placed with a brokerage for the buying or selling of a security.

How do FOK orders help investors avoid market impact?

Avoidance of market impact: FOK orders can help investors avoid market impact by minimizing the amount of time their order is exposed to the market, reducing the likelihood that their order will move prices against them.

What happens if a FOK order is not fulfilled?

Once placed, the order would try to be fulfilled immediately. If the fill or kill order could not acquire the correct number of shares, the share price went over $50/share, or the acquisition could not be completed immediately, the FOK order would cancel the order automatically.

What is a fill or kill (FOK) order?

The purpose of a fill or kill (FOK) order is to ensure that an entire position is executed at prevailing prices in a timely manner. Without a fill or kill designation, it might take a prolonged period of time to complete a large order.

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